Interior and Exterior Painting:
Millcityservices of Lowell, MA interior painting contractors are going to give you more bang for your home improvement bucks. Interior painting completely changes the look and feel of a room. Now is the right time to give your home a face lift. Our professional painting contractors have a minimum 5 years experience and are passionate about their work. Most important, we are affordable. You supply the paint, and we supply the painters.
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning:
Professional Carpet Cleaners can remove basement odors from mildew in carpets, remove pet odors, and clean soiled carpets and heavy traffic areas. If you are renting an apartment, or selling your home or condo, you need your living spaces cleaned fast. Find out why we are on the top of search results on Google search. Estimates are available online!
Home Repairs and Renovation:
Millcityservices Home Repairs offers complete property maintenance services based out of Lowell,Mass. These services can be customized to fit your exact needs.
Interior Painting and Home Repairs
Call for Estimates (978) 254-1830
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