Sep 14 2012
? ?Angie Lindsay,?who lives on the US?s west coast, has been
a Helium member since May 2011. When she wasn?t
busy managing the Homeschooling channel, she found
time to write nearly 200 articles on the site! Read on
to see what she had to say when we asked about life with Helium?
How did you first learn about and what?s your favorite aspect of the site??I was searching online for quality sites to write for and found it.
What drew you to the Homeschooling channels??I have been homeschooling for seven years and am a strong advocate for home education. I homeschool my three kids along with one I babysit. Three of these children have autism.
What are some of the reasons that people decide to homeschool??Many of us feel that our children are receiving a better education at home, where they receive more one-on-one attention and the curriculum can be tailored to the individual child. Families often feel as if values and religious views are best taught in the home and not at school, resulting in decisions to home educate. And children with special needs often thrive in the home environment where they are free from bullying and can work with their needs instead of against them.
What do you see as some of the best resources for homeschoolers today??The Internet is being used by the majority of homeschooling families in one way or another. Some strictly use it while others supplement. Free sites are available that provide resources for all students. Videos, worksheets, interactive games and eBooks are available. K-12 programs offer free curriculum for those who prefer curriculum closer to that used by the public school. These resources often help parents better than boxed curriculum because they can offer subjects at the child?s comprehension level, which is important to aid with retention.
What are some of the biggest obstacles for homeschoolers and home-schooled children??Criticism from family and friends is the biggest obstacle. So many people feel as if parents are not capable of teaching their own children and feel the need to make their opinions known. Families who choose to home educate need emotional support. It?s a decision that is made with anxiety because they are breaking away from normal standards. However, in almost all situations, the decision is made because the parents feel it is the best fit for their child. It takes a lot of research to understand the individual state laws, how the child learns, where the strengths and weaknesses are, and how to utilize what is available. On top of that are normal discipline issues, housework and sometimes a work schedule, as well. Support is essential, even if it?s just emotional support.
What is your favorite article you?ve written on Helium and what makes it your favorite??I actually have two.?Health problems common with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is one of my favorites because I am learning that I have had this syndrome my whole life and didn?t know about it. I am really struggling with health problems related to it. Writing this article helped me understand just how many of my problems are related. It was a compilation of personal testimonies from several of my friends on a support group that I backed up with medical facts. I?m very proud of it! My second favorite is in my channel. Homeschooling: Conflicting views regarding special needs was written with much passion after witnessing so many debates within the homeschooling community regarding home education for those with special needs. Many people feel these children need to be taught by trained professionals. However, I?ve seen that it is perfectly acceptable and often more beneficial to have these children at home where they can be themselves and the parent can work directly with the issues they face.
I hear that you?ve written a children?s book. Can you tell us a little about it? The book I wrote is a conversation between a little girl and her mom at bedtime. She is realizing that her siblings are very different from her and wants to know why. One is adopted, one has autism, one is a baby and the last is a teenager. Her mother points out how much each one is like her, focusing on the similarities rather than the differences. It?s a short book, perfect for a bedtime story while teaching a valuable lesson about how we should look at each other.
That sounds really nice!?And you?re going to try the traditional route of finding a publisher? What?s that process like? The process itself is not that hard with a little research. Waiting for a response is the hard part! It?s recommended to wait six months for a response before trying another publisher, so it?s a long process. I chose this route rather than self-publishing because of the expense. I am also in the process of writing an eBook about my family?s struggles with autism. Getting an eBook published is much easier. However, finding the time to write it is another story.
What?s the best piece of advice that you can give to an aspiring writer? Write with passion.?Pick topics that interest you, and it will be easy to make it interesting to others.
As a mother of three, channel manager, author, homeschooler, and founder of?, it seems like you?ve got your hands full! When you do get a little downtime, what do you like to do for fun??I love to play video games with my children. I am active in church, teaching Children?s Church because I enjoy it. I love going to the beach to go fishing. Spending time with my family is my favorite thing to do for fun. We all really enjoy each other.
Thanks for taking the time to share Angie, and let us know when your book is out!
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