Monday, 19 September 2011

Blog Archive ? 15 September 2011

Touted as the creative industry of the 21st Century, design is seen as a serious economic and global force. As developed nations struggle to compete with such traditional industries as manufacturing, the creative industries, as part of what is termed the new ?Knowledge Economy?, are seen as able to expand employment and national wealth, stimulate urban regeneration, and improve our quality of life.

As designers we can, in the words of Professor Anthony Dunne, Head of the Design Interactions Department at the Royal College of Art in London, ?play a significant role in discovering the desirables and undesirables in the future and that they need to interact more with professionals in varied fields such as ethics, philosophy, medicine and economics to imagine alternative possibilities and design for how things could be. In this way, design can challenge current technologies and contribute to futures research.?

Interior Architecture/Design is projected to grow some 20 percent during 2008-2018 in the USA alone and faster than any other occupation. Interest in the discipline and a greater awareness of its benefits for businesses (such as with the measurable improvement of worker and customer satisfaction) has made this expansion possible. Growing demand from such sectors as hospitality or healthcare is expected to further add to that demand.

?Design at the Edges?

In October 2011 Taiwan, Taipei, (Chinese Taipei) will be host to the inaugural congress, ?Design at the Edges?. Consisting? of the three highest design authorities in the world (IFI, Icsid and Icograda), the International Design Alliance (IDA) is a unique venture between these three independent international design organizations representing the fields and professions of Interior Architecture and Design (IFI), Industrial Design (Icsid) and Graphic Design (Icograda) into one powerful and influential group.

IFI, along with our partners of the International Design Alliance (IDA), have intensely debated the role, impact and specificity of design in preparation for our inaugural IDA congress. This exceptional global design event will help to inform and shape design thinking. At IFI, we have actively explored the specific role interior designers and interior architects play in exploring and pushing ?boundaries?. While we all believe in the need for multi-disciplinarity, the depth and importance of the particular and unique skill and talent of each individual design specialization remains.? We view the inaugural IDA World Design Congress with its theme ?Design at the edges? as an opportunity to explore the edges, edginess, differences and similarities within and between each design discipline while addressing significant and topical global issues confronting us today.

IFI, the IDA partners and our host, TDC ? Taiwan Design Center, see these edges of design on many different levels as well as between individuals, fields and groups whether in science, technology, government, business or non-governmental humanitarian organizations. ?Cutting edge? work and ideas aim to push the boundaries of each design authority without losing the skill and care of the individual discipline. The medical profession may serve as a good comparison where the distinctions between the general practitioner, with her basic knowledge of the human body, and the specialist, such as a cardiologist, with her more specific understanding of the function and health of the heart, remain are deemed essential and equally valuable.

In this context, the IFI Global Survey, IFI Global Symposium and the resulting IFI Interiors Declaration, which we have worked on for the past two years, have now placed Interiors on the edge of change. We can and must provide the leadership that our discipline requires in order for us to promote necessary change for a more vital and accurate view of the role of Interiors and its designer.

About the IDA Congress
The Congress with its theme ?Design at the Edges? is the inaugural event of the IDA since its formation in 2005 by its founding partners, Icsid (industrial designers) and Icograda (communication designer), with IFI joining as the third partner in 2008. The event is intended to be a unique summit of thought leadership exploring the intersection between design and five global themes: economic development, the internet, biotechnology, urbanism and international migration.

The Congress will be held at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) 24 ? 26 October 2011. To register and take advantage of possible discounts, visit HERE and find more information on hotels click HERE?

Congress Program
The program has two main parts; a plenary session with keynotes and panel discussions and? and parallel sessions. Morning keynote speeches and discussion are to be followed by parallel sessions every afternoon. The keynote speakers (in alphabetical order) and topics include Mr. Esko Aho (Finland), a former Prime Minister (1991-1995)current the Executive Vice President, Corporate Relations and Responsibility for the Nokia Corporation on Economic Development; Mr. Peter Bishop (United Kingdom), Former Deputy CEO & Group Director of Design, Development and Environment London Development Agency on Urbanism; Mr. Bob Elton (Canada), Chair of the Board of Directors, Immigrant Employment Council of British Columbia Executive Chair, Powertech Labs Inc. on International Migration; Mr. Barry Lam (Taiwan), Chairman & CEO Quanta Computer Inc. on the Internet and Ms. Vandana Shiva (India), Founder Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology on Biotechnology.

Specific to Intreiors, we are pleased to have the following respondents in the afternoon respectively (in alphabetical order) Mr. Juan Carlos Baumgartner (Mexico), Managing Director SPACE; Ms. Nila Leiserowitz (US),? Managing Director, Gensler; Mr. Michael Murphy (US):Co-Founder, Mass Design; Mr. Eric Schuldenfrei (United Kingdon/Hong Kong), Co-founder eskyiu Ltd.; Ms. Susan Szenasy (US), Chief Editor, Metropolis Magazine;?

For a full list of speakers and their bios please click HERE

Social Events
As a complement to the formal conversations, there are opportunities to both experience the culture of Taipei and to meet other designers from around the world. For more details about Pre and Post congress, click HERE

Influence and Confluence: Taiwanese Design in Motion ?
International Interior Design Exhibition 2011
Running in parallel yet independent of the Congress is the exhibition Influence and Confluence: Taiwanese Design in Motion, curated by former IFI board member Yao Cheng Chung. This exhibition aspires to define the three characteristics of interior design in Taiwan: its people, its culture and its lifestyle. The uniqueness of Taiwan is the result not only of its culture and landscape but also because of its contribution to design as it relates to its high-tech industries and a remarkable culture of technological innovation. In Yao?s own words, ?Taiwan is right in the middle of the intersection between Eastern and Western civilizations?

The exhibition, showcasing Taiwan?s top 10 influential designers along with the world?s 10 most leading Interior architecture/design thinkers, aims to examine the relationship between tradition, inspiration and outside influence. It asks questions such as ?to what extent is a designer?s work shaped by their cultural tradition, background and beliefs, and how large is the capacity to change before influence becomes confluence?? By juxtaposing the work of the international designers with that of the Taiwanese, and showcasing where the work and ideas intersect and influence each other, influence and confluence will help to establish the unique properties of Taiwanese interior architecture and design and firmly put it in its rightful place in the international design arena.

XXVth IFI General Assembly

The XXVth General Assembly meeting will be held on October 27 and 28 at Songshan Cultural & Creative Park. This former Tobacco Factory complex, of which several buildings were designated municipal historic sites in 2001 and adapted as a cultural center, is an inspiring background for our important meeting.

Songshan Creative and Cultural Park
site of the 2011 General Assembly

In addition to our normal IFI business, the GA meeting will also host an education workshop coordinated by the GIEOF committee ? the Global Interior Educators Open Forum ? to explore, discuss and move forward the issues examined this past term in our IFI DFIE initiative. With the completion of Phases I and II, the 7 tenets of the Interiors discipline were formulated as: Value, Relevance, Responsibility, Culture, Business, Knowledge and Identity. The GA workshop sessions will take both the outcomes of the Global Symposium meeting, the IFI Interiors Declaration, with the addition of the input from our GIEOF committee we will continue this important conversation and determine the next steps which will inform the two final phases of DFIE; Phase 4, implementation of a design policy and Phase 5, the inaugural Interiors Biennale.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our members in Taiwan, both TDC ? The Taiwan Design Center? and CSID ? Chinese Society of Interior Designers. Both have worked hard to design a truly extraordinary national and international design experience. With this uniquely integrated and multi-disciplinary backdrop of place and inquiry, we look forward to continuing our mission of working together to raise the level of discussion for design and interiors.? I know I speak on behalf of both IFI and our colleagues at the IDA in extending our deep appreciation to the Congress team at TDC with whom we have had the pleasure of working closely with these past two years; Tony Chang, Oliver Lin, Nicole Cheng, Isis Chien, Irene Wu and Julie Yeh. A heartfelt thank you is also extended to the representatives of our national association in Taiwan, CSID, particularly Yu-Ling Wang, Yao Cheng Chung, Vincent Chang, Luuk F. van Heerde, Meng-Chen Chiang and Frances Chen.

We look forward to seeing those of you who will be joining us in Taipei and wish you safe travels.



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