Acquiring a non owner vehicle insurance is very easy. If you are planning to rent a vehicle, then, as most of these companies offer this type of insurance anyway, you can just arrange to get one from them. The only problem is though, that you will only be protected by the policy while you are driving the vehicle that you rent from them.
It is a much better idea though, to buy your own non owner car insurance, in which case you will be protected all the time, no matter whose vehicle you are driving, if you are involved in an accident. The same applies if you are using a vehicle owned by the company you are employed with.
Many people are making use of public transportation these days, because of the high price of cars, gas, and insurance, rather than getting themselves into debt by purchasing a car. At times, they might need to have the use of a vehicle, in which case they simply borrow one from a friend or family member, or rent one from a vehicle rental company. These people too, even though they only make use of a borrowed or rental vehicle on the odd occasion, need to have non owner car insurance just in case they are involved in an accident.
This type of policy will protect the driver of the borrowed or rental vehicle against liabilities (the financial claims you are responsible for in the event that you injure someone), drivers who are uninsured or underinsured, personal injury, as well as any medical payments. Non owner car insurance is considered to be very basic coverage, and does not include things such as comprehensive or accident damage, compensation for towing costs, and compensation for vehicle rental.
Although it is possible for you to purchase this type of insurance from the vehicle rental company you are dealing with, you will find it more cost-effective if you buy your own non owner car insurance, especially if you make use of a borrowed or rental car frequently during the course of the year.
As far as the cost of a non owner car insurance goes, it all depends on where you live and what type of driving record you have, as well as some other factors that are set by car insurance companies, but it is normally in the region of about $300 to $500 per year. Do note though, that if you are involved in an accident while driving someone else's car, his insurance company will cover all costs up to the limits of his policy, after which your non owner car insurance takes over.
Peter Vednik is an expert about car insurance. Find more info about non owners car insurance.
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